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Noise reduction in a sentence

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Sentence count:53Posted:2019-12-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: price reductionreductionoxidation-reductiontax reductionreductionistreductionismcost reductionproduction function
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1. Valve requirements: thermal shock, noise reduction, quick response.
2. Perfect Coupling System provides easy clutch fitting and noise reduction during operation.
3. Noise reduction of acoustic signal is another part of the paper.
4. Some measures of vibration damping and noise reduction are hereupon recommended.
5. Noise reduction optimization is the kernel and the difficult aspect of tread pattern noise control.
6. Now, the technology of image noise reduction includes mean filter, Wiener filter, median filter, noise reduction algorithm based the wavelet and so on.
7. The transfer function synthesis for vehicles interior noise reduction is introduced.
8. This paper presents an approach for the speckle noise reduction in three-dimensional surface laser light sensing:surface light scanning.
9. A method is investigated for structural noise reduction of aircraft cabin by elastic wave control concept.
10. Focused on the wavelet analysis in image enhancement, noise reduction, compression and fusion.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. Changing the source resistance is usually impractical for noise reduction.
12. It needs some effective noise reduction algorithm to optimize the image contaminated by noise.
13. The methods of vibration absorption, noise reduction and ventilation purification are described.
14. Brings forward adaptive noise reduction system based on short time average magnitude, expound its work principle and key technology, at last validate the compose is just through experimentation.
15. Any future fleet changes are likely to reflect the importance of improved productivity, noise reduction and fuel economy.
16. L. F. noise can be better attenuated so as to obtain good attenuation characteristics over the entire audible frequency range by using active noise reduction technique in the closed-air type earmuff.
17. To reduce a diesel engine's overall noise, an improved noise reduction design method for the engine block was proposed based on virtual prediction method.
18. To increase vehicle comfort and value, the company designs, develops tests and manufactures innovative and cost effective solutions for noise reduction and heat management.
19. The electromagnetic clutch plays a part in energy conservation, noise reduction and environment protection for the bus, truck and engineering mechanism.
20. The core of optical reshaping is a decision gate featuring signal extinction ratio enhancement and noise reduction.
21. Due to its inherent characteristics in reducing low frequency, small pressure loss and simple geometry,[] the resonant silencer is being extensively used in engine induction noise reduction.
22. The technology principle, construction and design calculation of resistance noise reduction for HD6 5 1 big power local ventilation fan developed recently are discussed in this paper.
23. Experiments show that this system is particularly effective for statistical noise reduction within the complete television image bandwidth.
24. Helmholtz resonator has a simple configuration, but it has a good noise eliminating performance at low frequency. So it hs been widely used on the engine intake and exhaust noise reduction.
25. The Kowloon - Canton Railway Corporation has embarked on a 10 - year noise reduction programme.
26. Again, the amount of pressure is crucial for the noise reduction effect.
27. With the measurement of average sound pressure level and sound power level, the noise reduction result of the oil pan made by sandwich steel plate was proved.
28. Based on the chaotic theory of reconstructing phase space, an improved local average nonlinear noise reduction method is presented.
29. Also, there are hundreds of books on signal integrity and noise reduction.
30. Among them, the door, trunk, car chassis, hood and roof is the most easy to produce the air friction noise place, therefore, these places are the focus of sound insulation noise reduction processing.
More similar words: price reductionreductionoxidation-reductiontax reductionreductionistreductionismcost reductionproduction functionproduct introductionreductionoise pollutionnoise-inducedchinoiserieeductiondeductionseductionproduction practiceinductionadductionabductionsubductionproductionconductiontax deductionreductio ad absurdumtransductionreproductionintroductionnon-productionco-production
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